Higham Hill Medical Centre
Opening Hours
Find out when our practice is open, what the GP consulting times are and what to do if you need help when the practice is closed. Find out more
Repeat Prescriptions
Do you need to re-order your medication? Visit our prescriptions page and complete the online form. Find out more
Like To Register?
Unfortunately due to technical issues our online registration services are currently down. For more information regarding registration please click on the new patient icon.
We apologise for any inconvenience this has caused and we are working on fixing these technical issues as soon as possible.
Parking facilities:
Our surgery DOES NOT have any parking facility, the off road parking are controlled by local council (Waltham forest), and it is for residential parking permit holders only.
Higham Hill Medical Centre Privacy Notice
This privacy notice, which is a requirement of General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR), gives a better explanation on how we use any personal information we collect about you when you register with us. Also this privacy notice is part of our commitment to ensure that we process your information/data fairly, transparently and lawfully.
Higham Hill Medical Centre is a Safe Surgery.

(Site updated 29/11/2024)